Saturday, 30 January 2016

Top 10 Shows To Watch On Netflix UK!

Hi guys!

I hope you're all well?

As some of you may already know, I'm a huge fan of TV shows! I love how they can transport you into different world's for hours (and I mean hours...) on end. So, as you can imagine, Netflix is a huge part of my life and is basically bae *insert heart eyes emoji*.

Since getting Netflix, I've been able to watch so many amazing series for just £5.99 a month (this is not an ad.. but seriously, go sign up). I thought I'd share with you my current top ten Netflix (UK) shows to snuggle up to this winter. This was very difficult to narrow down but here goes!

1) Pretty Little Liars

I've been watching PLL for years now and I absolutely love it. It's a mystery/thriller which revolves around four high school girls and their missing friend Alison. The girls keep receiving mysterious texts from 'A' and they go on a mission to find out who exactly is stalking their every move. However, the more they find out, the more danger they're in. The show is full of suspense and clever twists which constantly has me on the edge of my seat. This is definitely a favourite series of mine and I couldn't recommend it enough (caution: avoid all spoilers)!

2) Once Upon A Time

OUAT follows our favourite fairytale characters in a way we've never seen them before. It's full of extremely clever story lines, fun/crazy characters and it's generally a really interesting show. I love how the villains can be made to look good and the heroes can be bad etc.. I'd really recommend sticking the show out throughout season one as it seems to get better and better each series.

3) Luther

Luther is the most recent addition to this list. I watched all four seasons over Christmas and the new year and I was GRIPPED! It's unfortunately quite a short series but they really pack a whole lot of action in despite this. Luther is about a detective who doesn't exactly play by the rules. He's given the impossible task of tracking down London's most wickedest killers! The show constantly has you on the edge of your seat and is great for those who enjoy something a bit dark.

4) The Vampire Diaries

TVD has been one of my longest watched shows for a while now. It's your typical 'supernatural teen romance' show which is actually really, really good! Newly orphaned, Elena, is a high school student who attracts the attention of two troublesome brothers. Little does she know, they aren't quite as 'human' as they seem. Seasons 1-3 of this show are absolutely amazing! Unfortunately, the series does get progressively bad, however, I'm still 100% hooked! What can I say? I'm a 'sucker'... ahem, moving on.

5) How To Get Away With Murder

HTGAWM is such a great show for those of you who enjoy a good thriller/drama. It follows a group of law school students and teachers who are in a living nightmare. The show is full of gripping flashbacks and flash forwards which make it really interesting to watch as a viewer. The show is a continuous cliffhanger and is very addictive! Viola Davis is also one of my favourite actresses.

6) Sense8

Sense8 is a really interesting show which allows you to feel like you've travelled the world without leaving the comfort of your bed. Eight characters all living in different parts of the world are all connected in a strange way. They are able to communicate and live in each others world's simply by the power of their mind. However, due to their strange abilities, they are in constant danger of being captured. Whilst this show is slightly kooky/near the mark, I really enjoyed watching it. I'm so happy that a second season is on it's way!

7) Orange Is The New Black

OITNB is probably Netflix's most famous show (and with good reason). It's set in a women's prison and focuses on the weird and extraordinary lives of the prisoners. Each character has their own back story which makes for a really interesting show. I enjoy the way it gives a different perspective to those who we would normally class as 'baddies' (aka prisoners actually being good people). It's hilarious at times and heartbreaking too! It's super interesting to see how such different personalities engage on the show. Definitely worth watching!

8) Gavin & Stacey

I can't begin to tell you how many times I've watch Gavin & Stacey (although I can tell you, I know the show pretty much word for word). This is a series that never fails to put me in a great mood. It's my 'go to' show if ever I'm feeling down or even a little bored. This is a comedy based around two characters and their family/friend's who live in Wales and Essex. It's such a hilarious show and no matter how many times I watch it, I laugh just as hard each time! The cast all have such brilliant chemistry and the show's writers James Corden and Ruth Jones star as two of the funniest characters, Smithy and Nessa!

9) The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners is another show that never fails to make me laugh regardless of how many times I watch it. It follows four sixth form boys who are the outcasts of their school. They are all completely ridiculous and hopeless in their own right which is what makes the show so brilliant. Be warned, the show is extremely near the mark and very rude at times. However, it's absolutely brilliant all the same (erm, hello.. they made two movies it was so good)!

10) The Office (UK)

The Office UK has got to be one of my favourite comedies, ever. It's especially brilliant if like me, you actually do work in an office environment. Each character represents your typical staff member in the most hilarious way possible. It's filmed in a documentary style setting which makes it really unusual/funny. Ricky Gervais is a fantastic writer and he stars as the main character David Brent who is the office manager. He gets himself in every sticky situation imaginable and it's honestly cringe worthy and brilliant!

So that's my current top ten shows to watch on Netflix UK. Let me know what shows you're enjoying/watching at the moment. I've currently just started Prison Break!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I've REALLY struggled with netflix this month so this has helped! Might rewatch OUAT x
    Trudy | TrudyJohanna

    1. Oh no! I have periods like that too (I end up flicking between the UK and USA version). Enjoy OUAT x

      Christina Marie -

  2. My boyfriend just got Netflix (without telling me may I add!) & when I found out I was so excited! I'm obsessed with the Vampire Diaries & can't wait to start watching Pretty Little Liars, Orange Is The New Black & Once Upon A Time! :) xx

    1. What a cheeky so and so! I hope you're allowed to share? Haha! You're in for such a treat (especially with PLL)! x

      Christina Marie -

  3. Once Upon a Time, The Office, Gavin & Stacey and Orange is the New Black are amazing! I also love Firefly and Jessica Jones. I really need to start watching Pretty Little Liars as I'm always reading about how brilliant it is on Twitter.

    Roxie | The Beautiful Bluebird

    1. Ooh, what great taste you have ;) haha! Cannot recommend PLL enough. I'm obsessed with the show! x

      Christina Marie -

  4. I've not seen all of these, but I want to watch them! I'm always watching Gavin & Stacey on Netflix, it's one of my guilty pleasures! Tania xx

    1. Gavin & Stacey is amazing! I think we're literally the same person, haha! x

      Christina Marie -

  5. Hi!

    Followed you! Thanks for your comment :) x

    Christina Marie -

  6. Ahh yess so many good series on this list! I've watched quite a lot on Netflix, including Luther which was amazing! I'm quite jealous you get to watch Prison Break for the first time, it's one of my favourite series ever! I'm really intrigued with How To Get Away With Murder, it sounds great, maybe I'll watch that next as we seem to like a lot of the same shows (OITNB, Prison Break, Luther, OUAT).

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


    1. I've been totally useless on the Prison Break front since writing this post. I'll deffo have to get watching again! I love HTGAWM! x

      Christina Marie -

  7. I couldn't bring myself to start watching Pretty Little Liars. It seems like an intriguing show. But it's been soooo long with the mysteries that my always-curious self could never resist.
    I am currently watching MTV's Teen Wolf & catching up with Gossip Girl's season 3. HOOKED!

    Noor | Noor's Place

    1. It literally took 5 years to get anywhere and we're still none the wiser in PLL, haha! I think I got two seasons in with GG, I remember loving it! x

      Christina Marie -

  8. Thank you for sharing this! I've been constantly watching TV shows over my uni summer holidays and i'm stuck on what to watch now. I'm almost done Pretty Little Liars! Might start Sense 8 :)

    1. I hope you're enjoying PLL and your summer hols? :) x

      Christina Marie -

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks very much! I'm glad you enjoyed :) x

      Christina Marie -

  10. Ooh I'm going to check out HTGAWM it sounds up my street! Hope you're good <3

    Amy - Four Cats Plus Us

    1. I LOVE it. I need to start S2 asap! I'm not too bad, thanks Amy! Hope you're good? x

      Christina Marie -

  11. I'm always looking for new shows to try! Sense8 sounds like something I really want to watch...Thanks for the recommendations!!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog XXX

  12. I love PLL I only started watching in October and binge watched and caught up in time for the new series, love it! I love inbetweeners and gavin and stacy too, I shall have to check out the other shows :) xxx

    Zoe ♥ MammafulZo


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