Hi guys!
I hope you're all well?
I won't lie - 2016 has been a rough year for me so far. However, I'm a firm believer of the old Cherokee tale of 'Two Wolves' (I'll link it here if you've no idea what I'm on about - it's short, I promise) which loosely translates to 'you can let the bad thoughts win or the good thoughts win, it's your choice', so here I am getting on with life as best as I can given the circumstances.
Lately I've seen a few of these posts floating around and I thought it was such a lovely positive thing to read and write about. It makes you realize how important some of the smaller things in life actually are and it's great to see what different things mean to different people.
So, here's a list of 50 little things that make me happy during the good times and the bad!
1) Friends and family (obvious and cliché - but true none the less)
2) Coming home after a long day to be greeted by my pets (aka the fur-babies) and feeling instantly stress free
3) When it's raining outside or there's a storm and you're nice and cosy indoors with tea, blankets and Netflix
4) When Lush Cosmetics bring out their Christmas range (hello, Cinders)
4) When Lush Cosmetics bring out their Christmas range (hello, Cinders)
5) The Walt Disney Pictures intro music (examples here)
6) The Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special (and Gavin and Stacey in general tbh)
7) Looking back at old photographs from school/college and reminiscing
8) When you're new to a fandom that has a large fan base (endless fanfictions, fanvids and Tumblr posts to read through #geek)
9) The adrenalin you get at concerts as the artist you've paid to see is about to come on stage (queue big dramatic countdown and eventual entrance)
10) Whenever someone suggests getting a takeaway (need you ask?)
11) Taking your heels off after a night/day out... heaven!
12) Receiving a handwritten letter/card in the post (so much better than a text or whatsapp)
13) Knowing someone is getting ready for work when you have the day off
14) Hearing the theme tune to long awaited films/TV shows (Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, I'm looking at you)
15) That feeling of accomplishment when you finish a good book
16) Getting into the warm when it's cold outside or raining
17) Summer evenings when it's nice and bright outside but not too hot
18) When animals come over to you willingly for cuddles/attention
19) Hearing classics such as S Club, Abba or Queen on the radio
20) Those unplanned days/nights out that end up being totally better than the planned days/nights out
21) Receiving lovely emails, blog comments or tweets from fellow bloggers
22) Trips to Disney
22) Trips to Disney
23) Listening to soundtracks of your fave musicals before and after seeing a west end show
24) Christmas decorations in shops/shopping centre's
25) When you go out to eat with someone who will willingly order all three meals from the menu with you #pig4life
26) When children choose you to be their new bff (cos when a child likes you, your life is basically complete)
27) Going to theme parks - I'm an adrenalin junkie!
28) Tidy bedrooms and fresh bedding
29) Next day/same day online deliveries
30) Going to the country show at my local park (happens once a year for a whole weekend)
31) Meeting people who you just click with instantly
32) Anything involving Karl Pilkington (preferably alongside Ricky Gervais)
33) Bookshops (yes Waterstone's is bloody expensive but you don't get that comforting feeling from Amazon - soz)
34) Snapchat filters
35) The idea of being able to travel one day
36) Waking up on the morning of your birthday (and cherishing that feeling whilst I'm still relatively 'young')
37) Spending Easter and bank holidays in Norwich with my family
38) Lazy Sundays (which usually consist of pampering, long baths, lay ins and blog catch ups)
39) Autumn and everything that comes with it
40) The smell of the beach
41) Those really deep chats you have with friends that are totally unexpected but make you feel so much closer to them afterwards (usually alcohol induced)
42) Office Christmas parties
43) Watching Hocus Pocus on Halloween
44) Toploader's Dancing In The Moonlight (my all time favourite song)
45) Knowing that I've helped someone/made someone happy
46) My Mum's veggie lasagne
47) Christmas shopping/shopping for gifts in general
48) When there's more than one vegetarian option on the menu (pasta does get boring eventually, guys!)
49) When a conversation just flows (no awkward small talk or thinking of things to talk about)
50) Discovering motivational quotes/sayings that just make you want to live your life to its fullest potential
So, there we have it! 50 random things that make me a happy bunny!
I'd love to hear what 5 things make you happy. Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for reading!
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